
Study, work and travel as “Voluntourist” is a Erasmus IP summer school (23.7.-3.8.2012). Participating students from Austria, Netherlands, Croatia, Romania, Portugal and Poland are posting their daily experiences and their view of volunteer work!

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Hatsi the explorer

Hello everybody,

Today I had an amazing day! It all started at 8:15 in the morning, when I’ve met with all the voluntourists in the bus station, anxiously waiting to see what the organizers had in store for us. And they never let me down! What can be better than a picturesque view over Portoroz, where you cannot see the line between the sea and the sky or a boat trip to the most special farm I’ve ever seen?

Fishes are really unique in their nature and the Fonda fish farm manager takes very good care of them. She also thought us how to recognize a fresh and healthy fish and how to build a successful brand through a complex marketing strategy. She also pampered us with a fish and wine tasting, which gave me enough energy to make a trip to the salt-pans nearby.

Being used to the Romanian salt mines, this was a really interesting and cultural experience for me, observing that the process of collecting the salt implies a lot of hard work and some very specific support activities.
I couldn’t leave the place without some first quality salt, which will make my meals special from now on, always reminding me of Slovenia.

I took the afternoon off, just to relax and recharge my batteries, in order to be able to be a good volunteer tomorrow.

Vise plăcute,

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