
Study, work and travel as “Voluntourist” is a Erasmus IP summer school (23.7.-3.8.2012). Participating students from Austria, Netherlands, Croatia, Romania, Portugal and Poland are posting their daily experiences and their view of volunteer work!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

2nd day of the Slovenian experiance :)

The second day started with very interesting lectures about Olympic Games in London prepared by Steffan from Stenden University and Konstantin who was talking about CS and gave a presentation in a very creative & innovation way :) Aftet that, we had a chance to face with Romanian presentation which the topic was about suistainable tourism. Everyone had a possibility to get to know interesting things about issues mentioned above...after that we went to the restaurant for a lunch during which we were able to talk in our groups - Venus, Jupiter etc.

Than.. everyone was so excited to prepare tha best presentation ever because of the international evening.!!!We went throught all the particinpating countries getting to know important information about coutries and ....

Finally, after 7 p.m we reloceated our "evening" nearby seaside so we could try delicious things from all over the world - Slovenia, Romania, Poland, the Netherlands and Portugal :) It was soooo good to socialize with the others and get to know closer with a glass of wine in a hand !!!!

Hopefully, all of you had a great eveving and you have also the same experience as we !!!

See you,
Polish team -Karolina, Aleksandra, Sabina & Marta

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