
Study, work and travel as “Voluntourist” is a Erasmus IP summer school (23.7.-3.8.2012). Participating students from Austria, Netherlands, Croatia, Romania, Portugal and Poland are posting their daily experiences and their view of volunteer work!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Chapter II: "International Day"

The day started very early in the morning! 
We begun having three lectures: two from the Dutch Teachers and another from the Romanian.
The first was about " The sung and the unsung heroes of London 2012: A closer look at the legacy and volunteering policy". Then, the second one talked about couchsurfing, explaning its meaning, how it works, the profile of the couchsurfer and the behaviour.
Finally, the lecture of the Romanian Teachers had the theme of "Sustainable Devopment", explaining also the meaning of Responsible Tourism. 
After a long morning having classes, we went to "Burin" to have lunch :)

The after lunch was a rush, because we needed to prepare and cook the things for the international evening.
We went to the presentations from all the countries and then we presented Portugal to our colleagues.
After that we went all together to the beach to taste the flavours (food and drinks) from all the countries.
What a delicious food we tasted... yammie ;)

Like if it wasn't enough, we went to the centre of Portoroz to Party. First Coco, then TIVOLI. 
What a crazy evening!!!

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